Covid Notice

Hi Everyone,
This is Vivien from Vogue hair extensions salon.
I hope this finds you well.

It’s been a difficult time for everyone trying to navigate these uncharted waters.
We all miss you & super excited about getting back to work seeing all of you again.

I am very happy to remind you that we are an exclusive private boutique salon and only servicing 1-2 clients at a time.

There is going to be some new regulations set in place.

1) All clients must arrive alone.
2) Everyone is expected to wear a protective mask during the service.
3) Please prepare your mask before your appointment and bring it with you.
4) All clients & stylists must wear masks.
5) We will continue to use new capes, new smocks for each client.
6) We will Continue sanitize & disinfect common areas,surface ,doors & Equipment between clients.

Additionally, we ask that we don’t use cash during the checkout.

If you have any questions feel free to contact at
(214) 682-8882

We are super excited about getting back to work and can’t wait to see you all again!
Thank you so much.

Call today for a consultation

(214) 682-8882