A Guide to Hand-Tied Hair Extensions

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Hair extensions are a great way to add length, volume, and thickness to your hair so that you can enjoy luxurious locks every single day. Those who have never had hair extensions may think that all extensions are created equal, but that is not the case. There are many different types of hair extensions, and you can talk to your stylist to help you determine which technique is right for you and your lifestyle. In today’s post, we will give you more information about hand-tied hair extensions!

Looking to get amazing hair that will leave everyone jealous? At Vogue Hair Extensions Salon in Frisco, we offer a variety of different techniques to help you achieve the amazing hair you’ve always wanted. Whether you’re interested in extensions for the length, the volume, or the thickness they add to your hair, we can personalize your experience so that you feel confident and beautiful before you even leave our studio. Explore our website to learn more, and contact Vogue Hair Extensions Salon to request a consultation today!

What Are Hand-Tied Extensions

The term hand-tied extensions refers to the way the extensions are applied to your head, as well as how the hair extensions themselves are produced. When you buy hand-tied hair extensions, they come in long sections where the hair is threaded together. These sections are referred to as wefts. Wefts are made two different ways: hand-tied and machine-tied. As you may have guessed, hand-tied wefts involve sewing the hair together by hand, whereas machine-tied wefts are sewn together by a machine. Generally, most people prefer hand-tied wefts, as tying the wefts by hand allows you to use smaller stitches, which make the wefts less bulky when they are attached to your natural hair.

How Hand-Tied Extensions Are Installed

One of the benefits of choosing hand-tied extensions over another method is that, when installed, your stylist won’t need assistance from glue or heat to keep them in place. Not only does this allow the hair to move naturally with your head, but it also helps protect your natural hair from damage.

Many people are surprised to learn that hand-tied hair extensions still use beads like beaded weft extensions. However, the beads used in hand-tied extensions are used to create rows using your natural hair, as opposed to using a string as the anchor point for the wefts of hair. Additionally, hand-tied extensions cannot be cut, meaning your stylist will need to make sure that the wefts are the correct length for your head.

Once your hair is sectioned off and the stylist has created the row, the next step is to apply the extensions to your head. To do that, the stylist will hand-tie each weft to your head to ensure that it is secure and looks as natural as possible.


The goal of getting hair extensions is to improve the look, thickness, length, and volume of your natural hair, so it makes sense that you would want to keep it that way. The great thing about hand-tied hair extensions is that they are fairly easy to maintain. You can wash and style your hair as you normally would. Depending on how you maintain your hair, most of the time you can go between four and eight weeks before you will need to visit the salon to have your extensions moved up.

The Benefits of Hand-Tied Extensions

Hand-tied extensions are becoming more and more popular with those who love their hair extensions, and for good reason! This technique for hair extensions is a great solution for those with fine or thin hair who want a more natural look that isn’t too bulky. Because hand-tied weft extensions are thinner, you are less likely to spot them through your natural hair once they are installed. Additionally, hand-tied wefts are usually lighter, meaning you can get the same amount of hair as you would with another technique, but you won’t have to worry about your hair being too heavy.

Ready to Try Hand-Tied Hair Extensions?

If you think that hand-tied hair extensions are the right choice for you, then let our experienced staff at Vogue Hair Extensions Salon in Frisco give you a hand. We offer a variety of different techniques and styles, making it easy to get the hair you will love without changing up your entire daily routine. Explore our site to learn more about the hair extensions we offer, and contact Vogue Hair Extensions Salon to request a consultation!