What’s Beneficial for Fusion Hair Extensions


You can try hair extensions if you like experimenting with hairstyles but don’t want to damage your hair. No need to worry about short hair that takes ages to grow or even thin hair. You can opt for hair extensions to change up your style and add volume and length to your hair.

This article focuses on one of these types – fusion hair extensions; and what’s beneficial for this type of extension. Let’s begin with understanding the concept of fusion hair extensions.

Basics of Fusion Hair Extensions
There are some types of hair extensions that you can use to create different styles. Fusion hair extensions are one of the advanced methods of applying hair extensions. In this method, extensions come in strands rather than wefts, and you need to attach those strands to cover up your head.

Some specific tools are required to apply fusion hair extensions; an expert stylist can only do that. Fusion hair extensions have different names highlighting their qualities, such as –

  • I-tip, U-tip, and Flat-tip extensions
  • Keratin extensions
  • Pre-bonded extensions
  • Fusion bond extensions

How Long do They Last?

If you take proper care of fusion extensions, they will last up to 3 or more months. You have to get your extensions re-positioned occasionally because when your natural hair begins to grow out, these extensions will move along.

Also, you need to get touch-ups from your expert every few weeks since the bonds will move downward when your hair grows. As mentioned, proper care is essential for fusion hair extensions to maintain their quality and improve their lifespan.

Beneficial Measures for Fusion Hair Extensions
Like any other product, fusion hair extensions require proper care and maintenance. There are certain tips that are beneficial for these hair extensions. They are more of guidelines on how you can take care of your fusion hair extensions.

When you decide to opt for fusion hair extensions, taking good care of them is your responsibility so that they can last longer. Even a slight mishap or clumsiness may also damage your extensions and hair. To extend the life of your hair extensions, you must incorporate the following steps into your hair care routine.

  • Avoid washing your hair on a daily basis
    Don’t wash your hair every day if you are wearing fusion hair extensions since it can weaken the Keratin bond.
  • Use a special hair extension brush to remove the tangles
    You can detangle the hair and remove knots by using a special brush mainly intended for hair extensions.
  • Make a proper schedule for washing
    Although these extensions are long-lasting and reliable, you must take care of them. Don’t wash them for 72 hours after installation.
  • While using hot styling tools, remember to use a heat protectant
    Don’t use hot styling tools on your hair extensions and glue bonds. Prefer using a thermal heat protectant spray.
  • Use good quality shampoo and conditioner
    Hair products definitely contribute to the appearance of your hair, and hence prefer using high-quality shampoo and conditioner.
  • Prefer a silk or satin pillowcase
    Experts recommend that you should use a silk or satin pillow, irrespective of whether you are wearing hair extensions or without them.
  • Avoid salt and chlorine water
    Hair extensions and their tips are prone to significant damage due to salt and chlorine, so avoid these two.
  • Dry your wet hair extensions before sleeping
    Falling asleep with wet hair extensions can easily damage them along with the roots of your hair, so dry them before sleeping.
  • Don’t use a blow dryer; prefer air drying your hair instead
    The heat significantly damages your hair, so better you minimize the use of heat. You can air dry your hair, which is better than using a blow dryer.
  • Remember to follow the aftercare instructions
    The right products and techniques are necessary to take good care of fusion hair extensions. Follow the instructions of your hairdresser.
  • Braid your hair
    Before you are off to bed, prefer making two side braids or even a low-braided ponytail is a good option.
  • Get regular trims every 5-6 weeks
    It’s a great way to make your extensions look neat, fresh, and crisp and give life to them.

Hair extensions can be a wonderful addition but also needs a lot of maintenance. If you are looking for professional services to install hair extensions, Vogue Hair Extensions Salon is the right place for you.